
24th Kim Choongsoo

Apr.01, 2010 ~ Mar.31, 2014
Career Background
1993 Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs
1997 Special Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economy
1997 President, Korea Institute of Public Finance
2002 President, Korea Development Institute
2007 President, Hallym University
2008 Chief Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs
2008 Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the OECD
2010 24th Governor, Bank of Korea
Professional Experience
2010.10.21. Held a meeting of the Central Bank Governors as the chair
2011.8.16. Signed MOU with foreign central banks
2011. Provided securities custody services for foreign central banks, etc.
2012.2.15. Bond investment agency contract with the People's Bank of China
2013.1.23. Established information analysis system of the Bank of Korea
2013.8.29. Developed new statistics on import and export settlement currencies
2013.10.13. Currency Swap (UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia)

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