BOK Mid- and Long-term Strategic Plan (BOK2030) 

In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of its founding on June 12, Bank of Korea announces its Mid- and Long-term Strategic Plan (hereinafter "BOK 2030"), which it will pursue from the second half of 2020.

BOK Mid- and Long-term Strategic Plan (BOK2030)

Strategic Objectives

The Bank of Korea (BOK) sets and implements its goals and priorities through its Strategic Objectives, established every year to reflect its Mid- and Long-Term Strategic Plan (BOK2030) and any changes in the domestic and global environment. The BOK’s current Strategic Objectives were introduced in 2023.

① Strategic Objectives for 2023 (6)

Strategic Objectives for 2024 (6), 1. Promote Macroeconomic Stability including Price, 2. Strengthen the Foundation for Financial Stability, 3. Advance the Currency and Payment & Settlement Infrastructure, 4. Progressive Changes in Internal Management, 5. Strengthen Communication system, 6. Strengthen our Response to Changes in Economic Structure

Strategic Objectives for 2024 (6)

1. Promote Macroeconomic Stability including Price

2. Strengthen the Foundation for Financial Stability

3. Advance the Currency and Payment & Settlement Infrastructure

4. Progressive Changes in Internal Management

5. Strengthen Communication system

6. Strengthen our Response to Changes in Economic Structure

Past Strategic Objectives

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