이재원 경제연구원
2008. 6 Princeton University 경제학 박사
2006. 6 Princeton University 경제학 석사
2003. 5 University of Wisconsin 경제학·수학 학사
한국은행 수석이코노미스트, 경제연구원장 (2023.9~현재)
FRB of Dallas 외부연구위원(Research Associate) (2016.5~현재)
서울대학교 경제학부 교수 (2021.8~현재)
경제학연구 편집위원(Associate Editor) (2023~현재)
Journal of Macroeconomics 편집위원(Associate Editor) (2023~현재)
금융위원회, 금융발전심의회 위원(2023.2~2024.2) 
예금보호공사, 차등평가위원회 위원 (2022~2024)
International Economic Journal 편집위원(Associate Editor) (2019~2023)
Korean Economic Review 편집위원(Editorial Board Member) (2014~2023)
University of Virginia 경제학과 교수 (2017.9~2021.7)
금융감독원, 외환, 국제금융 자문위원 (2014)
서울대학교 경제학부 교수 (2013.9~2017.9)
FRB of St.Louis 객원연구위원(Visiting Scholar) (2013.7~2013.8)
Rutgers University 경제학과 교수 (2008.9~2013.8)
연구실적 및 저서
“Price Stickiness Heterogeneity and Equilibrium Determinacy”, with Woong Yong Park, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (forthcoming)
“Redistribution and the Monetary-Fiscal Policy Mix”, with Saroj Bhattarai and Choongryul Yang, Quantitative Economics 14(3): 817-853, 2023.
“CBDC 도입이 지준시장 및 중앙은행 대차대조표에 미치는 영향”, 이승현, 박웅용 공저, Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics 34(1): 84–117, 2023.
“가격 경직성과 사회 후생”, 이승현, 이원구, 홍진실 공저, Korean Economic Journal (경제논집) 62(1): 23-54, 2023.
“System Reduction of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models Solved by gensys”, with Woong Yong Park, Economics Letters 199: 109704, 2021.
“Sectoral Price Facts in a Sticky-Price Model”, with Carlos Carvalho and Woong Yong Park, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 13(1): 216-56, January 2021.
“The Cross-Sectional Distribution of Price Stickiness Implied by Aggregate Data”, with Carlos Carvalho and Niels Dam, Review of Economics and Statistics 102(1): 162-179, 2020.
“Sectoral Heterogeneity in Nominal Rigidities in Korea: Implications for Monetary Policy”, with Seula Kim, Korean Economic Review 36(1): 59-99, 2020.
“Policy Regimes, Policy Shifts, and U.S. Business Cycles”, with Saroj Bhattarai and Woong Yong Park, Review of Economics and Statistics 98(5): 968-983, December 2016.
“Optimal Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Interest Rate Spreads”, with Saroj Bhattarai and Woong Yong Park, Journal of International Economics 96(2): 375-397, July 2015.
“한국에서의 재정적 물가이론의 타당성”, 성예지, 홍정의, 현정식 공저, Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics 26(1): 1-34, 2015.
“Inflation Dynamics: The Role of Public Debt and Policy Regimes”, with Saroj Bhattarai and Woong Yong Park, Journal of Monetary Economics 67: 93-108, October 2014.
“Price Indexation, Habit Formation, and the Generalized Taylor Principle”, with Saroj Bhattarai and Woong Yong Park, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 48: 218-225, 2014.
“Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Households and Imperfect Risk-Sharing”, Review of Economic Dynamics 17(3): 505-522, 2014.
“Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions and Indeterminacy in Post-War U.S. Data”, with Saroj Bhattarai and Woong Yong Park, American Economic Review: P&P 102(3): 173-178, May 2012.
“Aggregate Implications of Heterogeneous Households in a Sticky-Price Model”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44(1): 1-22, February 2012. (Lead article)
o 2023.9.20.-9.21. BOK-MNB 공동워크숍 개최

o 2023.9.22. 자본시장연구원 컨퍼런스 패널토론 참석
- 주제: 금리 기조의 구조적 전환 가능성과 민간 부채

o 2023.12.14.-12.15. MOEF-BOK-FSC-IMF 국제컨퍼런스 개최
- 주제: Digital Money: Navigating a Changing Financial Landscape

o 2023.12.21. BOK ERI-BOJ IMES Research Workshop 개최
- 주제: Growth and Inflation in an Aging Economy

o 2024.1.5.-1.7. 전미경제학회 연례총회(ASSA) 참석
- 기조발제: 초저출산 및 초고령사회: 극단적 인구구조의 원인, 영향, 대책

o 2024.2.1.-2.2. 한국경제학회 공동학술대회 특별세션 참석
- 주제: 한국경제의 위기요인과 정책방향

o 2024.4.26.-4.27. Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference on Public Policy 참석
- 주제: Labor Market Dynamics: Drivers and Consequences

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