Economic Papers Vol.1 No.2

연구조정실(Monetary Studies Team(Tel 82-2-759-5407, Fax 82-2-759-5410)) 1999.12.18 10904

Contents for Economic Papers Vol.1 No.2

1. The Use of Interest Rates as an Operating Target for Monetary Policy in Korea
    (Se Il Ahn and Soo-Nam Oh)  --------  Epv1n2_1.hwp        

2. An Annual Macroeconometric Model of the Korean Economy
    (Yang Woo Kim and Geung-Hee Lee)  ----------  Epv1n2_2.doc

3. The Effects of Openness on Growth and Inflation in the Korean Economy
    (Kwang-Soo Jhang)   ---------- Epv1n2_3.doc

4. A Forecasting Model of Cash Demand in Korea
    (Yang Woo Kim and Seungho Lee)  ---------- Epv1n2_4.hwp

5. X-12 ARIMA Seasonal Adjustment in Korean Economic Time Series
    (Geung-Hee Lee)  ----------- Epv1n2_5.doc

6. On Asset Bubbles  (Byung-Hee Seong)  ------------- Epv1n2_6.hwp
7. The Credibility Effect of Monetary Policy and Central Bank Independence
    (Min Chang)   ---------------- Epv1n2_7.doc

8. The Political Economy of Financial Liberalization in Korea:
    Lessons from Japan and the United States(Thomas F. Cargill)  ----- Epv1n2_8.doc

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